This question often plagues dart players, especially during intense matches. It’s like your brain goading you, challenging you to fight it. This internal battle can trigger a fight-or-flight response, making you feel like you’re somehow wrong or that you’re doing something in a way that’s a problem.
However, there’s a more flexible approach. Instead of engaging in combat with the overthinking, try naming it differently. When those intrusive thoughts arise, rather than labelling them as “overthinking,” which implies a struggle against them, simply call them “thinking”.
This subtle shift in language can alter your mindset, allowing you to step back and observe the thoughts without getting entangled in them. Take a deep breath and acknowledge that these are just thoughts passing through your mind, not necessarily reflections of reality.
By adopting this approach, you can cultivate a sense of detachment from the overthinking, empowering yourself to focus on the present moment and your gameplay. Remember, it’s not about winning the battle against overthinking; it’s about finding a more peaceful coexistence with your thoughts.