Tag: values

  • I own “unbearable”

    I own “unbearable”

    As a professional darts player, you’ll realise there are many reasons, specific uncontrollable situations, that will impact or have the potential to derail and affect your natural flow state, where you produce your best quality darts. Exposure to these events tends to ramp up as your career progresses. So, you might find that the heating…

  • Successful Career Karma

    Successful Career Karma

    Understanding Karma: The word “karma” has often been misunderstood to mean “fate.” Its actual meaning, though, is “action,” and the Law of Karma says, “Actions have results.”  Kevin Griffiths. Karma embodies the principle that every action, whether internal or external, carries consequences. In the realm of professional darts, where precision and strategy are paramount, this…